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As to Gibraltar, the cynics amongst us would be tempted to assume that the unusually accelerated timetable for the new legislation is directly connected to an anxious desire to blunt or close down any strands of the forthcoming inquiry leading to the exposure of corruption in high places or at the very least to keen executive embarrassment. The handy phrase for governments by the yard has been “ the interests of national security.” As a fully paid up sceptic, I should add that I prefer to see the draft legislation first before joining the cynics’ circle. Might it just instead be an overdue step towards better lawmaking, no doubt at best in order to reduce the scope for later appeals?

On the Post Office saga, I remain just as concerned as ever: how CAN legislation be framed in order to avoid GBH to the separation of the powers, due process and the rule of law? Again, I raise the issue of the “next bus (or buses) along in a minute” with other unwise and indeed- shall we say?- over cosy outsourcing enterprises. Would the then government, of whichever party political complexion, not eagerly cite the “precedent” of the Horizon case? In my view this is in no sense a fanciful scenario.

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