Sadly, the IHRC understands nothing about the English language and is too lazy and complacent - aided and abetted by a cowardly government that is selling us down the river- to look up the word phobia

A phobia is an irrational fear. It is not irrational to see our country being turned into Yemen. It is reasonable to be terrified.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

It went further than ‘stuff happens’. See paras 107-9

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Will IHRC condemn the shocking events described in Paragraphs 96 to 113 of the Judgment?

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So the IHRC disagree with the judgment. They are entitled to do so, but instead of criticising the careful legal analysis of Linden, J’s judgment they resort to lazy and inaccurate slurs.

There is nothing Islamophobic, within the UN definition of the term, about the judgment.

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We all know people like this. Any judge they disagree with is biased/Islamophobic/antisemitic/homophobic/racist/bribed - you name it.

Best ignored. UN connection notwithstanding.

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For Muslims religion always comes before anything else.

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So much commentary from people who very clearly have not read the judgment. It's pretty fact specific in relation to Michaela and I'm not sure, even if it were authority, how far it has wider applicability.

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