An eagle’s eye for spotting the mistake “cheques” by KC Bower. Maybe the quote, “Behind every successful man is a great woman” should read “Behind every successful man is a woman of integrity” to ensure standards are preserved.

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The media attacks on Kate Bingham were indeed lazy and discreditable journalism. There was also, I fear, the prospect of it since her appointment followed so shortly after different, cronyish,Covid focused appointments. My recollection is that I had been more or less on the nursery slopes of my forty seven years of legal practice when along came Nolan, where the last, unequivocal word had seemed to be uttered. With any involvement in appointments thereafter, far from always for voluntary posts, enormous pains were taken to get things “Nolan-proof”. I hasten to add however that the tap on the (far too often masculine) shoulder very much had had its day, although in my experience invariably for voluntary posts. That post- Nolan changed with a vengeance - and rightly- and indeed occupied of necessity a good deal of (yes) voluntary time. Both interviewer and interviewed (I grew familiar with both roles) had had to go through the mangle. However civilised and necessary it decidedly was it could be awkward with friends and colleagues; generally it all went off without rancour. Being turned down from time to time - to be frank- provided me with a healthy dose of humility. Has all of that now truly been dissipated ? Presumably for hefty financial benefit the line has been much tougher to defend than that and ,to be candid once more , the less tangible career and profitability enhancement of “labour for free” posts could be very real. In the political arena being caught out and THEN failing to resign has wrought untold damage to the public’s trust and belief in the entire system- and it is hard altogether to blame them. I think I agree with Mr. Bowers: Nolan Mark 2 it may have to be.

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