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Yes, indeed: lest we forget. As a composite “animal”, over such crucial issues as these, we FORGET and/or shrug off such resounding rulings as the Miller 1 (and 2) and the Unison case AT OUR PERIL. Also there is no education and therefore little awareness of the irreducible importance of our constitutional arrangements (£5 for every time serious, concerned friends and acquaintances had told me we in the U.K. had NO convention would pay for a sumptuous meal or several). The same can be said about the rule of law and due process. As to the shiny new toy of a further watchdog body, Joshua identifies the risk of its overlooking existing bodies and therefore or re-inventing the wheel. Also, where would the dosh come from? In a very loose near-enough analogy, look at what has happened (so far!) over the undervalued and underfunded CCRC. I wish I had met Chris Hodges and I have no doubt that he is a thoroughly honourable and dedicated lawyer BUT as some may have read me opine before and recently I am WITH our LCJ -telling it how it is- over her misgivings that the government and Parliament had chosen the separation of powers infringing route rather than trusting to well tested expeditious judicial processes. And yet again I ask rhetorically:” How ‘unique’ is ‘unique’ ? That I once again so much as pose that question says it all, surely especially with the noises from off of worryingly similar shocks

to the system such as Capture? I do so hope I shall be proved wrong, but…….

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