Firstly I am very sorry that Judge Perusko suffered such a dreadful attack.

In April 2024 there was a suggestion that , in order to clear case backlog , Judges of all types could sit in venues such as pubs, church halls, libraries, supermarkets with spare areas. In order to maintain respect for the judicial process, adequate protection for Judges and post hearing adherence to judicial rulings I do think that Judges should be entitled to sit in safe settings in suitable court buildings , supported by trained court staff.

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Thanks, Joy. I don't think a shortage of courtrooms is the problem.

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Many of the local family courts convenient and accessibly situated for family members were closed. My concern is that if some court hearings were to move to informal settings such as pubs and supermarkets ( as suggested by a Judge in April ) then physical attacks upon opposing family members, legal representatives and Judges may become more frequent.

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Yes, that's a very fair comment.

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I also think that the sentence received by the man who attacked the judge might be seen as lenient. I am not sure whether he was charged with grievous bodily harm (without intent) or actually bodily harm. Either way the maximum sentence is 5 years and so with credit for a guilty plea the most he could have got was 3 years and 4 months. Is it perhaps time even in the current plight of over populated prisons to up the tariff for this type of assault?

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It was actual bodily harm, as reported. Goss J started with four years three months and reduced this by a third because of the early guilty plea.

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Judges are endangering themselves by using their positions to take a child away from its parents which is the most emotional tie any human being has, in truth: that of a parent to its offspring

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I’m not sure I understand the suggestion that the danger to judges is because they “are using their positions to take a child away from its parents”. No, they are not using their position, they are doing their job to the best of their ability. I have had to make such decisions in the past and I probably speak for all my former colleagues who have also reached the conclusion that a parent or parents are not able to properly care for their child when I say it is probably the most difficult thing to do and is only done as a last resort when all other possibilities have been explored.

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