What an illuminating insight into the « Solomonesque » judgment by Mr Justice Chamberlain (did one of his forebears hold a courtly function?). Thank you for this perfectly formed analytical "gobbet" and for helpfully – with the necessary caveat in my case – pointing your readers to Prof. Elliot’s exegesis of the case. By the end of my exploration of the subject, I had been "won over" by the arguments deployed. Whilst it would be wonderful if our print and broadcast media were able to produce this sort of insightful analysis for a wider audience, at least I know that I shall have my eyes opened on a regular basis by your posts!

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Very kind of you to say so. There's also nearly five years of archive posts for you to explore.

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Thank you, Joshua. Frankly, I need the time to be sure of the rationale behind the Court’s ruling and I have often enough read analyses less esoteric than Professor Elliott’s in the excerpt you include.Whilst I believe that this may be a familiar enough instance of my heart at odds with my head, I anguish as anguish I believe we always should about the welfare of this - of course- deeply flawed and troubled fellow creature, whatever the challenges he may continue to pose for any responsible authority of any relevant nation.

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