So sorry: I had meant to type Ombersley!

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Memory lane again: sorry! I used to brief retired Justice Anthony Hughes KC essentially in Birmingham and area and then, when attending a number of Openings of the Legal Year as Birmingham Law Society’s President and then as a Chancery Lane Law Society Council member we would encounter each other, both of us in full fig. On those occasions for me the sense of imposter syndrome would decidedly kick in as the humble possessor before rocky articles and admission and thereafter to my own bemusement a recognised specialist in criminal defence advocate and later higher court advocate. This was much soothed on a number of those occasions to feel a certain friendly hand on my shoulder. As to Umberslade, it was and perhaps remains one of the models for Ambridge. “ Pat Archer” ( Patricia Gallimore) and her husband and criminal solicitor advocate Charles Gardner actually bought our then home in Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire. My apologies: terribly self indulgent and over sentimental!

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