The only comment I can make about Mrs Lasker-Wallfisch is that she is magnificent! One must hope that her message has been received and understood.

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They will only be educated, Simon, if they go to this ‘centre’ and if they make the effort to go then they probably already know. There is a very moving monument in Paris on the Ile de la Cite where I learned more than I knew, and in Prague the old Jewish burial ground tells you a lot, but I chose to go. What is needed is more general education and awareness.

What troubles me about this videoclip is the smiling condescension of the people listening - there, there, clever old woman, isn’t she sweet, instead of listening to the essence of what she is saying.

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my young (17yo) neighbour is studying the holocaust as part of his arts degree course, and a visit to auschwitz was part of the curriculum. I think teaching holocaust history is a commendable way of educating young people about the dangers of 'othering' jewish people and other minority groups, albeit many young people are missed, I've spoken to intelligent people who doubt the reality of the holocaust because they haven't been exposed to its history in this way. I don't know whether the proposed museum might help, perhaps it would if part of educational initiatives

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Thanks. The argument against the proposed learning centre is that it is inadequate. The Imperial War Museum offers much greater resources less than a mile away.

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