Please remind us why the Tamils were at sea in the first place, and whether conditions have changed in Sri Lanka such that they could return there? It is also not clear why the UK should have the financial and social burden of this, simply for having rescued them from certain death at sea?

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On your first point, see paragraphs 5-7 of the judgment delivered in March last year. The link is in my first piece in June.

On your second point, both the previous UK government and. the present UK government have accepted that responsibility ever since migrants started crossing the English Channel in small boats.

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But we're not talking about the Channel, Joshua.

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It seems obvious what needs to be done.

My mind boggles as to the security issue the US has. You can see the island on Google maps, they did not need to be accommodated on the US base as the UK could have made accommodation provisions seeing as it was the Royal Navy that rescued them. This situation did not need to arise.

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I agree with Joshua’s concluding paragraph.

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